
Odette Murara


Odette is a highly accomplished legal professional and a valued partner at our firm. With a robust background in corporate and commercial law, employment law, as well as civil and commercial litigation, Odette brings a wealth of expertise to our team. Her keen understanding of legal intricacies and her strategic approach make her an indispensable asset in navigating complex legal matters.

A proud member of the Rwanda Bar Association, Odette is committed to upholding the highest standards of legal practice in the region. 

With a passion for delivering exceptional legal services, Odette plays a pivotal role in providing our clients with insightful advice and effective representation. Her multifaceted skill set and commitment to legal excellence make her an integral part of our firm’s success.

We stand as your trusted legal partner, equipped with the precise expertise your company needs. Our team, aptly named for our commitment to excellence.

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