
Technology,Media & Telecommunication

We routinely serve as trusted advisors to clients in demanding, complex, and high-profile projects within the technology industry. Our offerings encompass representing both companies and public sector entities in ICT procurement and outsourcing endeavors. Additionally, we offer guidance to software vendors and various technology suppliers on a wide spectrum of issues, ranging from developing and launching new products and services to negotiating commercial agreements and devising strategies for intellectual property. Our deep knowledge in this field is a result of our involvement in numerous challenging and prominent assignments, as well as our lawyers’ previous roles within major technology companies.

We are here to address any inquiries you may have regarding data management, data security, cybersecurity, and privacy law matters. Our services encompass providing advice and managing projects related to the creation and negotiation of data processing and transfer agreements, responding to disclosure and access requests, and conducting data protection audits and risk assessments. Our extensive experience also extends to advising on the creation and implementation of privacy policies, notices, and consents, as well as compliance programs and training initiatives. Additionally, we offer counsel on data and privacy legislation and potential implications for our clients’ business operations. With us, each project receives a tailored, up-to-date solution.

We stand as your trusted legal partner, equipped with the precise expertise your company needs. Our team, aptly named for our commitment to excellence.

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